IMPORTANT: Before making your submission, please read Things to be aware of before submitting.
When an assignment is available for you to submit, it will become a clickable link on the Coursework area in Blackboard. Alternatively, you may access it directly through the left hand course menu in the course in a content area named ‘Assessment’ or if for a resit, the ‘Resit Materials’ content area). Your instructor should advise you where to access your assignment if held in a different location in your course.
For students who have Reasonable Adjustments (RAs), please see the additional guidance.
For students submitting Panopto files, please see the guidance on how to submit below.
QUICK STEPS: submitting an assignment
- Enter the Coursework area or the appropriate content area in the course.
- Click on the assignment’s title.
- Review the Instructions and any files attached by the instructor.
- Expand the Upload Files section and use the browse options to attach your submission file. You may attach multiple files - re-select the browse option to attach another file. Each file you’ve attached will be listed as you attach them.
- Do not use the ‘Text Submission (embed content such as Panopto)’ option unless specifically instructed to do so by your instructor, or you need to attach a Panopto recording (see below). Any text added to this area may not be marked.
- Do not enter text in the Comments text box area, unless specifically instructed to do so by your instructor.
- Click Submit.
Please be aware that large files may take a while to submit and it may seem like nothing is happening. Please stay on the submission screen (do not navigate away) and wait for the submission complete.
Submitting Panopto files to an assignment
For students who have been asked to record or upload a video file using Panopto, you first need to access Panopto and upload or record your media file in your My Folder. Once you have completed this, you make your actual assignment submission following the quick steps below.
Important note 1: It is essential that you allow ample time before the submission deadline to upload your recoding to the Panopto cloud (we recommend that you allow at least two hours before the submission deadline). Depending on the size of the file, Panopto will take some time to convert the file before it is available to attach to your assignment submission through Blackboard.
Important note 2: To avoid upload problems, it is recommended that you upload very large media files over a wired internet connection rather than wifi.
Important note 3: Uploading or creating a file in your Panopto My folder area does not constitute a submission and instructors will not be able to access your file. You need to complete the assignment submission process following the below steps.
Important note 4: If you are recording PowerPoint slides these will need to be saved to and opened from your desktop. Not saving and opening from your desktop may result in your recording failing to upload.
Important note 5: Submissions MUST be made using the Panopto Student Submission option from the add Content (+) button within the text editor. Using any other Panopto options will result in no recording being added to the submission.
Important note 6: Edits to your recording will need to have been made prior to submission for online assessment (if you have already submitted, any edits will not be seen by your marker). If you wish to edit after submission you will need to resubmit to the assignment after the edits have been made.
Important Note 7: You will be able to view your submitted Panopto recording from your receipt on the Coursework area by selecting the View Full Submission link in the receipt.
Using Panopto for video assignment submission videos - provided by the Faculty of Environment and Technology LIU (Transcript)
Submitting a recording video - provided by the Faculty of Environment and Technology LIU (Transcript)
QUICK STEPS: submitting a Panopto file to an assignment
- Enter the Coursework area.
- Click on the assignment’s title.
- Review the Instructions and any files attached by the instructor.
- Expand the ‘Text Submission (embed content such as Panopto)’ area and the text editor will display.
- To show all the rows of the editor’s functions click on the … icon in the top right.
- Click the + icon.
- Select Panopto Student Submission from the list. Note: Do NOT use the Panopto Video option
- You will be taken to the Panopto Student Submission screen. Expand the drop down and select My Folder.
- Your My folder area will display showing any media that you have saved there.
- Select the radio button to the left of the recording that you want to attach to your submission and then select Insert.
- You will be taken back to the upload assignment screen and will see your Panopto file in the text editor.
- If you need to attach any other Panopto files, repeat steps 5 to 10.
- If you need to attach any other files to your submission, expand the Upload Files area and use the browse options to find and select the file.
- Select Submit.
Note: If using Safari you may need to enable cookies and Cross-Site Tracking. On an iPhone or Ipad – Open settings, Scroll down and select Safari, Under Privacy and security – turn off “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking” and “Block All Cookies”.

Important: We strongly recommend that you check your submission has been uploaded successfully by following the guidance on the Checking your submission was successful page.
Who to contact should you have a query
If you are unable to submit or experienced an issue - please call the IT Service Desk on 0117 3283612 as soon as possible before the submission point closes.
We want all our students to be able to succeed and so we want to support you if personal difficulties or circumstances affect your studies and mean that you may be unable to complete, submit or attend assessments. If this happens to you please contact the Information Point and we will give you advice and support.
For queries about coursework requirements - please contact your Module Leader.