Checking your submission was successful

Once you have made your submission, you must verify that it was successful by carrying out both of the following checks:

  1. Check the details on the Review Submission History page.
  2. Check the Submission Receipt on the Coursework area and make sure that you can open the files you attached.

Review Submission History page

When you successfully submit an assignment in Blackboard, you will see a message at the top of the screen which tells you if the submission is complete.

screenshot showing an example green success message after submission

The details of your submission will be displayed, including links to any files you attached. You must also then check your Submission Receipt, as described below.

Submission Receipt

The ‘Coursework’ area will display a Submission Receipt for any submission attempts you have made to a Blackboard assignment. To view a receipt, first click on the View Receipts, Marks and Feedback button and from the right hand coloumn click on the View Attempts link. You will see all the submissions you have made to that assignment listed with the latest at the top.

example screenshot highlighting the submission receipts area on the Coursework area

example screenshot of a receipt

Important Notes

  • Draft attempts - If you have Saved as draft you will see the words (DRAFT) with the date and time stamp. Drafts are not fully submitted and will NOT be visible to the markers.
  • Panopto submissions - If you have attached Panopto content to your submission you will be able to view this via the View full submission link on the receipt.
  • Important note for Mac users - If you are using the iWorks application to create your document, in order that the file can be opened by the markers, you must export as *.docx using the File Export function in iWorks. Apple Mac files such as .pages will not be accepted for marking, unless specified by the Module Leader

For further information on the Coursework area, please see our Coursework area guidance.

What to do if you notice a problem

If you are unable to submit or experienced an issue - please call the IT Service Desk on 0117 3283612 as soon as possible before the submission point closes.

We want all our students to be able to succeed and so we want to support you if personal difficulties or circumstances affect your studies and mean that you may be unable to complete, submit or attend assessments. If this happens to you please contact the Information Point and we will give you advice and support.

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