What happens if the student has already made a submission to the original ISIS fed assignment?
If the student has already made a submission attempt to the original assignment, the Extension Assignment tool will not allow you to proceed whilst the submission attempt exists.
Please email learning.systems@uwe.ac.uk requesting that we remove the submission attempt in order for an extension to be set up. Please ensure you include: the module code; the student name; student number; and the work item name.
Please note: If the marking for the original assignment has already started, it is not possible to remove a submission attempt. The Learning & Research team will need to manually workaround creating an extension assignment for the student. The Module Leader will need to be informed that they should not mark the original submission but should enter a mark of zero. Once the true mark for the extension submission is known, the mark of zero will need to be overridden in ISIS.
Where will students see the extended assignment?
Students will see their extension assignment in the Blackboard Coursework area and also in the module. If it is a first run assessment, the extension assignment will be displayed in the Assessment area of the module. If it is a resit run assessment, the extension assignment will be displayed in the Resit Materials area of the module.
Extension assignments are prefixed with RA to Deadline for a Reasonable Adjustment extension. This prefix is in addition to the original assignment name. For example, with an ISIS fed assignment called ESSAY:2000 word essay, the extension assignment will be called RA to Deadline:ESSAY:2000 word essay.
How do staff mark extended assignments?
Extension Assignments need to be marked in the Grade Centre. Extension assignment submissions will be in a separate column to the original assignment.
When marks and feedback are made visible to students in the Grade Centre, students will be able to see them via Blackboard as normal but the marks will not automatically extract to ISIS. The Module Leader will need to provide their School Student Programme and Support (SPS) team with the marks for extension submissions manually so that they can be entered into ISIS by hand.
Do marks extract to ISIS automatically for extended assignments?
No. Marks for extension assignments will not automatically extract to ISIS. The Module Leader will need to provide their School Student Programme and Support (SPS) team with the marks for extension submissions manually so that they can be entered into ISIS by hand.
Can more than one student be added to an extended assignment?
Yes. Where an extension assignment already exists for the ISIS work item, the existing extension will be displayed on the flyout. The SPS Officer selects Add to Extension which will then add the student to it. More guidance on adding students to existing extension assignments is available on the Creating the Extended Assignment page.
Can more than one Reasonable Adjustment extension be created for the same ISIS fed assignment?
Yes, it is possible to create more than one extension assignment (with different extended due dates) per ISIS work item. The students will only see the extension assignment that is relevant to them.
The flyout will show any extensions that have already been created for that work item. The SPS Officer can either add the student to one of these, or, if the appropriate date doesn't exist, they can create a new extension.
What do SPS officers do if an extension assignment has been created with the wrong due date?
Please raise a call with the Learning & Research Systems team, asking for a datafix - where this is urgent and needs to be actioned the same working day, please also follow up with a telephone call.
If it is a reasonable adjustment extension with more than one student attached, the Learning & Research Systems team will need to know if the due date is wrong for just one student or all of them.
If an extension assignment has already been created, does the Extension Assignment tool show which student it was created for?
Yes, you can see which students are attached to an extension via the View Extensions function.
Please see our Viewing Extensions guidance.
Can SPS officers edit or delete extension assignments using the tool?
No. If an extension assignment has been created incorrectly, please raise a call with the Learning & Research Systems team, asking for a datafix - where this is urgent and needs to be actioned the same working day, please also follow up with a telephone call.
Can SPS Officers create extensions for assignments that were due more than 7 days ago?
The tool will allow SPS officers to create extensions for ISIS fed assignments due in the future or within the last 30 days.
How do SPS Officers get access to the tool?
Access is provided by manually adding an additional role to the SPS Officer‘s username in Blackboard.
Please ask your line manager to request access via email to Learning & Research Systems.
How can Module Leaders see who has been added to an extension assignment?
It‘s our understanding that Module Leaders are informed that an extension assignment has been approved for the student, as part of the approval process. In addition, they will be able to see which student(s) have access to the extension assignment by looking at the rules set on the extension assignment.
Information for Module Leaders is available.