Viewing and Grading SafeAssign submissions

SafeAssign reports indicate the percentage of the paper that matches existing works in the database, alerting instructors to papers that need close review. SafeAssign also generates a detailed report showing the specific phrases in question, as well as the original sources of those phrases.

QUICK STEPS: viewing and grading a SafeAssign assignment

  1. From the course Control Panel select, Course Tools and then SafeAssign.
  2. Select SafeAssign Items.
  3. You will see a list of assignments which have SafeAssign enabled.
  4. Click on the assignment name and you will see a list of the students who have made a submission.
  5. To view a report, click on the green SA report icon.
  6. To enter a grade for the submission, click on the User attempt.
    Marks should not be entered in this way for ISIS fed assignments.
  7. Enter your mark in the ATTEMPT field and select Submit.

example screenshot showing quick step 3 above

example screenshot showing quick step 4 and 5 above

example screenshot showing quick step 6 above

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