Releasing Agreed Marks

Important things to note

  1. Releasing of marks and feedback is the responsibility of the Module Leader.
  2. Marks only get extracted to ISIS when all submissions have been marked and released.
  3. Only the agreed marks and feedback should be released.
  4. If a student’s mark has already been released, you will not be able to release any further mark for that student.
  5. Once marks have been released, if a mark is edited in the Grade Centre, ISIS will NOT be updated with the amended mark. You must contact your ISIS administrator to change the mark in ISIS.
  6. The release button will:
    • Send the marks and feedback to the Grade Centre.
    • Create an announcement in the course to let students know their marks and feedback are available (only once marks for all submissions have been released)
    • Prepare the marks for your School SPS team to import into ISIS (only once marks for all submissions have been released).

QUICK STEPS: Releasing agreed marks

  1. On the Release Marks and Feedback page, select the Release button to the right of the agreed marks package (zip file).
    Please only select the Release button once and await a response. Selecting it more than once will result in an error and all the marks may not be released.
    The Comments will help the Module Leader to identify the correct package to release.
  2. A message will be displayed saying “x record(s) and x feedback file(s) were processed successfully. Marks will only be extracted to ISIS once all submissions have been marked and released.”
    You should check that these figures correspond with what you are expecting.
  3. Select OK.
  4. You will be returned to the Release Marks and Feedback page, where you will now see the release date and time in the Release Marks and Feedback column for that zip file, plus the number of marks and feedback files included in the release. If the release was unsuccessful it will show as ‘Failed to release’ with a short description of the cause.
  5. After a successful release of marks, in order for students to see their marks and feedback you will need to make the column visible to them in the Grade Centre. Go into the Grade Centre and find the column for the assignment - if the column is hidden, there will be a grey circle icon with a pink strike through in the header. From the column header dropdown, select Hide from students (on/off) - the icon should then disappear and students will be able to see their marks and feedback.

example screenshot showing quick step 1 above

example screenshot showing quick steps 2 and 3 above

example screenshot showing quick step 4 above

Possible causes of problems on release

You may receive an error message when releasing the package if:

  • Not all students in the spreadsheet have a mark
  • Students were added manually to the spreadsheet
  • The spreadsheet is not the original version downloaded
  • The spreadsheet has been saved as .xlsx format
  • Marks have already been released to student(s)

Please note: If feedback files have not been named in the correct format, the release will not fail but the feedback will not be attached. It is important that you know how many feedback files you are expecting to release so that you can check this against the confirmation message. See our guidance on the correct format for naming feedback files.

Please contact Learning & Research Systems if you are unsure how to proceed.

Course Announcement

When all submissions have had a mark released, an automated announcement will be posted in the course advising students that Marks and Feedback are now available from the Coursework tab in Blackboard. The announcement also provides a link to our guidance on viewing marks and feedback. Please note that the announcement is not e-mailed.

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