Extracting and viewing the files

Once you have downloaded the student submissions, you need to save the downloaded zipped package to your PC and extract the files so that you can view them.

There are many different ways of working with zipped packages but we will walk through below what we believe to be the most straight forward way. You may decide to use a different method.

QUICK STEPS: Saving your zip file

  1. Either from the Download ISIS Assignment link or from the Downloaded Marks and Feedback page, click on your download.
  2. A File Download window will be displayed. Select Save.
  3. A Save As window will be displayed. Navigate to where you want to save the zipped package on your PC and then select Save. In the example screenshots, we are saving to the desktop.

example screenshot showing quick steps 1 to 3 above

QUICK STEPS: Extracting your zipped package

  1. From your PC’s Desktop, select My Computer.
  2. Navigate to the location on your PC where you saved the zipped package.
  3. Right click on your zipped package and select Extract All.
  4. An Extraction Wizard will be displayed. Select Next.
  5. The Wizard will automatically suggest a location to extract your files - this will be a folder in the same location and with the same name as your zipped package. If you are happy with this location continue onto step 7 below.
  6. If you want to specify a location to extract your files, select Browse and choose your destination.
  7. Select Next.
  8. Once the extraction has completed, select Finish.
  9. If you chose to Show Extracted Files, the location will open. If you deselected this option, you will need to navigate to the files via My Computer.

example screenshot showing quick step 3 above

example screenshot showing quick steps 4, 5 and 7 above

example screenshot showing quick steps

Once you have extracted the files, you can start marking the submissions.

Take Note

In the extracted folder, you should see the following:

  1. A folder for each student - anonymous assignments will use student numbers and open assignments will user student usernames.
  2. A spreadsheet which will contain every student that you selected to download their submission.
  3. A readme.txt file which will contain notes for the instructor to use when marking. The information within this text file is generated from ISIS and could differ between assignments.
  4. In each student folder will be the files that the student attached to their submission - with anonymous assignments, the file names will be the student number, with open assignments the file names will be the student username. There will also be a txt file which contains any text that the student entered in the Submission and Comments text entry areas of the assignment.

    Please Note: If a student pasted their submission into the submission text box, you will receive it in this .txt file. It is important that instructors make it very clear in their instructions what formats the student should submit their work in. If a student does not follow the instructions and submits in this way, and as a consequence you are unable to read / mark the work, please refer to Academic Registry policy on how to proceed.

example screenshot showing Take Notes A to C above

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