How to access your allocated marking

  1. From Course Tools, select UWE Marking Allocation and the tool will load
  2. If you have marking allocated, you will see a My allocated Marking button to the right of the assignment name. Click on this to open your list of students.
  3. You will see a grid with the student name or an ID if anonymous; the current mark; and the date the student submitted.
  4. Click on the student and you will be taken into the latest attempt made by the student in the Grade Centre.
  5. If anonymous, the attempt will just show the student name as Student 1 (Hide Usernames is enabled).
  6. Enter your mark in the pink Attempt field and if appropriate any feedback in the Feedback to Learner section.
  7. Select Submit to save your marking and you will be returned to your list of students.
  8. You can Exit the allocation list and return to it again at any point.
  9. Let your module leader know when you‘ve completed your marking.
example screenshot showing step 2 example screenshot showing step 4 example screenshot showing step 5 to 7

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