Packages of files and samples are created here for the External Examiner. You can also add a note to each package which could be information about the assessment or links to other resources such as Panopto recordings. Any available packages and their contents will automatically be visible to the External Examiner in their view of the tool.
Create a package
- From Course tools, select the External Examiner tool
- Select Create Package
- Enter a name (e.g. the assessment title)
- Optionally add a note for the external examiner
- Optionally change the availability of the package (only available packages are visible to the external examiner)
- Either drag and drop files, or select Upload a file and browse to the files you want to add. You can multi-select files by holding down ctrl and clicking.
- Click Submit
- Let your School Student Programme and Support (SPS) team and/or the External Examiner know that the package is available.
Edit a package or the package note
- Hover over the package that you want to edit, expand the drop down menu and select Edit Package.
- Make the necessary changes to the name / note / availability.
- Optionally add more files.
- Select Submit.
Delete a package
- Select the checkbox to the left of the package you want to delete.
- Select Delete Package.
- Select OK to the warning prompt.