Use of Blackboard tests for Summative Assessments

There is currently no formal UWE policy on using Blackboards tests for summative tests or exams, and as such we would advise a note of caution when conducting them in Blackboard.

If Blackboard tests are used for summative assessment, we would strongly advise you to follow the suggestions below:

Best practice for running summative tests in Blackboard Other things to consider beforehand
Advice to give your students In the event of a problem

Best practice for running summative tests in Blackboard

  1. Attempt the test yourself
    Create a copy of the test which is only available to your test student account, and try it out for yourself. You can then ensure the layout and formatting of the questions is as expected. Guidance on setting up a Test Student User and using Adaptive Release is available.
  2. Run a mock test and get students feedback
    This will give your students an opportunity to get used to using Blackboard tests and also give you an idea of any potential issues.
  3. Avoid creating large tests with many questions
    50 questions would be considered a lot of questions - consider breaking them down into smaller tests taken in sequence. When using random selection of questions from pools, keep the overall exam especially short.
  4. Stagger large submissions
    When large groups of users make the final submit at the same time, it creates heavier server load which can lead to failures due to application overload.
  5. Avoid randomised questions
    Especially important for large cohorts of students (in excess of 100) or when questions are from large question pools.
  6. Present questions one at a time
    This makes students save before going on to the next question and also keeps their internet connection alive.
  7. Turn off Force Completion
    With Force Completion turned off, if a student gets kicked out of a test or accidentally closes the browser, they can just re-enter it. This is not a second attempt; they resume the test at the point they left. If the Timer is set, the time will continue whilst they are not in the test.
  8. Set time with auto-submit on
    If a student forgets to submit their test, with auto-submit on it will automatically submit when the time allocated ends. If the Timer is set with auto-submit off, the timer does not shut down the test when time is up and the student will be able to continue. Their attempt will need to be manually graded in the grade centre. Blackboard does not record where the student was in the test when the time expired.

Other things to consider beforehand

  1. Ensure instructors are available to support students during the test period
  2. Ensure instructors are clear as to what would happen in the event of a system or power failure. For example, if paper based tests are available or whether the test would be rescheduled.
  3. Ensure instructors are clear as to when a student may have their attempt cleared and also whether or not they are then allowed additional time. Please note that the student will need to start again from scratch once their attempt is cleared.
  4. Ensure instructors know how to clear students attempts in the grade centre.

Advice to give your students

  1. Use a hard-wired connection if possible
    Wireless connections have been known to drop offline.
  2. Ensure you are using a Blackboard compatible browser
    Please refer to our Operating System and Browser Compatibility list.
  3. Save as you go
    Every 10 - 15 minutes but avoid too frequent saves which will overload the application.
  4. Do not double click
    Double-clicking either the Save Answer, Next Question, or Submit buttons may cause an error.
  5. Do not use the browser back button
    This may cause loss of data. Use the forward/back arrows below each question to navigate within the test.
  6. Uncompleted questions warning
    If there are any uncompleted questions when you press the final ‘submit’ button the system will warn you, and ask if you want to continue with submission.
  7. If they accidentally close the browser
    If Force completion is Off, the student should be able to re-enter the test and continue. If the test is set with Force Completion on, Instructors will advise if they will permit the attempt to be cleared and restarted from scratch.

In the event of a problem

It is essential that instructors are available to students for support during the test period. Learning & Research Systems cannot make the decision as to whether student test attempts are cleared - this is the responsibility of the instructors.

  • Student submits before finishing all questions Students get a warning when then first submit if they have not answered all the questions. It is possible to reset the test but this would clear the students previous attempt completely. Instructors should decide beforehand if this will be permitted. Instructors themselves can clear a test attempt in the Grade Centre.
  • Student loses internet connection If Force completion is off, the student should be able to re-enter the test and continue. If the test is set with Force Completion on, Instructors will advise if they will permit the attempt to be cleared and restarted from scratch and will action accordingly.
  • Network failure or power outage Instructors should decide beforehand what fall back option is put in place should the University experience a major issue such as a network failure or power outage. Once the network is restored, students who were part way through the test will most likely need their attempt cleared. This will need to be co-ordinated by the instructors.
  • Username / Password / Logging on issues
    Contact the IT Service Desk

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