Enabling SafeAssign in an Assignment

  1. From within the content area where you want the Assignment to sit, select Assessment and then Assignment.
  2. Complete the Assignment Information, Assignment Files, Due Dates, Grading and Availability options as per standard assignments.
  3. Expand the Submission Details link to access the SafeAssign options.
    1. To switch SafeAssign on for the assignment, select the Check submissions for plagiarism using SafeAssign option.
    2. If you want students to be able to see the SafeAssign report, select the Allow students to view SafeAssign originality report for their attempts option.
    3. If you do not want the submissions to be stored in the Institutional and Global Reference databases (where they could be searched against in future submissions), select the Exclude submission from the Institutional and Global References Databases option.

Please note: The SafeAssign options are point-in-time and as such apply any settings made to new submissions only. If you edit an assignment after submissions have already started, it will not apply newly made settings to previous submission attempts.

Multiple submissions

The assignments tool allows instructors to select whether they want students to have just a single attempt, multiple attempts or unlimited attempts. Where multiple/unlimited attempts are permitted, SafeAssign will not check against any previous attempts from the same student to the same assignment.

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