URL Adder tool

The URL Adder was created to allow users to suggest to SafeAssign additional webpages and websites that may not have been flagged or referenced in Originality Reports and submission analysis.

The URL Adder tool is accessible to instructors through: Course Tools -> SafeAssign -> URL Adder.

If a user suggests a specific webpage, SafeAssign will attempt to include all webpages available under the base website URL; e.g. suggesting http://www.blackboard.com/about-us/index.aspx will attempt to find all webpages associated with the http://www.blackboard.com base website URL.

Any URLs included using the URL Adder tool will be available to all SafeAssign users and institutions, meaning that suggesting URLs can benefit the entire SafeAssign community.

URLs suggested to SafeAssign will be added to the overall SafeAssign Internet Search database on a monthly basis.

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