Uploading recordings

Video or audio files created outside Panopto can be uploaded to the Panopto cloud. From within the cloud they can be used in Blackboard in the same way as a Panopto recording.

QUICK STEPS: Upload a recording to Panopto

  1. Log into the Panopto cloud via https://uwe.cloud.panopto.eu/ or by clicking on the Panopto Event Capture link in the Tools tab in Blackboard
  2. Click Create
  3. Click Upload media
  4. example screenshot showing the upload media option
  5. Select a folder to upload the recording into
  6. Add the required file by dragging it into the box or by clicking the box, selecting and clicking open
  7. Click x once the upload is complete example screenshot showing steps 4, 5 and 6 above

Note: In order for students to view your recording you will need to create an automatic Panopto folder or individual link within your Blackboard course.

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