Link to Panopto recordings from Blackboard

There are two types of Panopto links that you can add in your Blackboard course.

Note: The folder link (1) is the recommended method as it will only need to be added once and recordings will automatically appear here after upload (after 48 hours for automated recordings)

  1. A folder link – Allowing you to create a folder within your Blackboard course that will contain all recordings made to this course. You will only need to create this link once as all future recordings to this course will automatically appear in the folder.
  2. An individual link – Allowing you to manually create links to your individual Panopto recordings as and when you are ready.

Add a folder link in your Blackboard course containing any Panopto recordings for the course

Where you want any Panopto recordings created for the course to be automatically visible in your Blackboard course, you need to use the Panopto Course Tool Application.

This will provide a Blackboard folder containing the contents recorded to this course, including new recordings as and when you make them. You will only need to create this link once as all future recordings to this course will automatically appear in the folder.

QUICK STEPS: create a link to show all recordings within a content area

  1. Enter the relevant Blackboard course.
  2. Enter the content area that you want the link to sit in.
  3. Select Tools.
  4. Select More Tools.
  5. Select Panopto Course Tool Application.
  6. Optionally edit the Link Name.
  7. Optionally set availability, tracking and date options.
  8. Select Submit.

QUICK STEPS: create a link to show all recordings within the course menu

  1. Enter the relevant Blackboard course.
  2. Click the + icon at the top of the course menu
  3. Click Tool link
  4. Add a name (what the item will be called on the course menu)
  5. Select the Type Panopto Course Tool Application.
  6. Tick to make the link available
  7. Select Submit.

Note: Automated recordings will by default not be available (viewable) to students until 48 hours after the activity has taken place, allowing academics time to edit the recording where required before student viewing. If a folder link has been used, an automatic recording will not appear in the folder on Blackboard for students until 48 hours after the recorded activity has taken place.

Add an Individual link in your Blackboard course to a specific Panopto recording

Where you want to manually create links to your Panopto recordings as and when you are ready, you need to use the Panopto Video link tool to create a link in your Blackboard course.

Note: If you are trying to add a link to an automated recording you may need to log into Panopto first to create a connection between your username and the Panopto folder. If the folder appears as empty in Blackboard please complete the following actions –

  1. Click Tools (in the left menu)
  2. Click Panopto (available in the Blackboard Tools)
  3. Click sign in
  4. Sign out using the arrow in the top right corner of the screen The folder should no longer appear as empty in Blackboard

QUICK STEPS: manually adding a link to an individual recording

  1. Enter the relevant Blackboard course.
  2. Enter the content area that you want the link to sit.
  3. Select Tools.
  4. Select Panopto Video Link.
  5. Select the folder for the course.
  6. Select the appropriate recording from the lecture drop down.
    • Note: If the folder appears empty you will need to log into Panopto to create a connection between your username and the Panopto folder – please see the note above these quick steps for guidance
  7. Optionally edit the title.
  8. Optionally add a description.
  9. Select Submit.

Note: Automated recordings will by default not be available (viewable) to students until 48 hours after the activity has taken place, allowing academics time to edit the recording where required before student viewing. If an individual link is published in Blackboard for an automated recording it will make this recording immediately available to the students.

Note: Adding an individual link in Blackboard to a recording via the tools menu will adjust any future availability dates you have set in the Panopto cloud. The availability date on the recording will be adjusted to the date and time you added the link – allowing the students to instantly be able to view the recording (Users are advised to use a Panopto folder link if they wish to use the recording availability dates in the Panopto cloud).

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