Creating feedback files

In addition, or as an alternative, to providing plain text feedback in the marking spreadsheet, you may provide feedback to a student in the form of a separate file such as an annotated version of their submission. Feedback files need to be in the format:

feedback_studentUsername (for open assignments), e.g. feedback_a-person.docx

feedback_studentNumber (for anonymous assignments), e.g. feedback_01234567.docx

If you want to create more than one feedback file for a student using the same application e.g. you want to provide two separate Word files, you need to append numbers to the file name in order to differentiate the files.

For example: feedback_a-person_1.docx and feedback_a-person_2.docx

QUICK STEPS: Saving your feedback file

In the example below we are annotating a Word file that a student has submitted.

  1. From your PC’s Desktop, select My Computer.
  2. Navigate to the location on your PC of the extracted files (NOT the zipped package).
  3. Enter the folder for the student and open the submitted Word file.
  4. To add a comment, select the Review tab.
  5. Select the relevant text and then select New Comment.
  6. A red field on the right hand panel will appear for you to enter your comments.
  7. Once finished select the Office icon.
  8. Select Save As.
  9. Select the Up icon to go up a folder level to the root (top level) of the extract folder.
  10. Edit the name to be in the correct format - in this example: feedback_ec9-student.docx.
  11. Select Save.

example screenshot showing quick steps 2 and 3 above

example screenshot showing quick steps 4 to 7 above

example screenshot showing quick steps 9 to 11 above

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