Modules area in Ultra Base Navigation

Blackboard have their own version of a modules list which is called 'Modules' in the left hand navigation. This area shows a complete list of all your modules including those which have ended. Please note that whilst there are links showing Upcoming Courses and Current Courses etc, the complete historic list of your modules will always display here. Use the UWE My Modules area on the Programme Landing page if you want the list broken down into current and historic modules.

Blackboard's Modules area allows users to view as a list or with picture thumbnails. If there is a banner image in a module course, the banner will automatically be used as the thumbnail.

example screenshot of the Blackboard Modules list

As the UWE My Modules list (on the Programme landing page) was developed at UWE to specifically provide certain information, it contains alot of detail which is not displayed in Blackboard's Modules area. Below is a comparison of the functions to help you decide which tool to use.

Type of informationUWE Modules
(via Programme landing page)
Modules area
Current modules onlyYESNO
Historic modules onlyYESNO
Names of instructors YES YES
Course availability YES YES
Taught at location YES NO
Module Feedback Survey icon (students only) YES NO
Ability to post announcements (staff only) YES NO
Module Start and End dates YES NO
Ability to search for module YES YES
Bookmark as favourite YES YES
Thumbnail view NO YES

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