Blackboard Teams integratrion Frequently Asked Questions

Synchronised Teams class

How do I access the Teams class for my Blackboard course?

If your module leader has set up a Teams class, there will be a Go to Teams link in the left hand course menu - this link will take you directly into the Teams class. Alternatively, you will be able to access the Class from Teams directly via the left hand Teams icon. Please note that you will only be able to access the Teams class if it has been activated.

excample screenshot showing the Go to Teams link in the course menu and the Teams icon within Teams to get a list of your teams

Blackboard Tab in Teams

Can I access Blackboard content from the Teams class?

As long as the Teams Class has been created using the Blackboard Teams integration, you will see a Blackboard tab in the General channel. From there you will see the Latest Content; Search; Announcement; and Assignment functions to view and access recent content from the Blackboard course.

screenshot of the Blackboard tab in teams showing the latest content area

Teams meetings

Where can I see what meetings are coming up?

Click on the Teams Meeting link in the Blackboard course menu. From here you will see any upcoming meetings that you can join. If you have received an invite, you will also be able to see those meetings in your Teams or Outlook calendars

example screenshot of a course menu with a Teams Meetings link

screenshot of a student view of the meetings list

Whats the difference between the white and green meetings in my meetings list?

Meetings with a white background are open / group meetings where anyone on the module run can join. You will not receive an email invite or see these in your Outlook or Teams calendar unless you have specifically been invited to the meeting.

Meetings with a green background are private / assessment meetings where only those invited can join. If invited, you will receive an email notification and will see the meeting in your Outlook and Teams calendars.

How do I join a meeting?

  1. From the Teams Meetings list in the Blackboard course, use the Join link to the right of the meeting. Alternatively, if you have received an invite, you will be able to join the meeting from your Teams or Outlook calendars.
  2. You will be prompted to open the Microsoft Teams application, or you can choose to use the browser version instead.
  3. If prompted, select to allow teams to use your microphone and camera
  4. When prompted select join now.

Why is the meeting not visible in my calendar?

You will only see a meeting in your Teams or Outlook calendar if you have been specifically invited to the meeting. Open / group meetings are visible in the meetings lists to any person on the module run.

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