Using OneDrive for large file submissions

Large submission files (typically over 100MB) are not suitable for uploading directly to Blackboard. Please follow these instructions to share your submission from your UWE OneDrive and then submit a link to the file in Blackboard.

We would advise that you carry out a test run of this process before your final submission, just to be sure it is all working as you would expect and you are familiar with the process.

A video guide is available for zipping, uploading to One Drive and sharing, plus submitting your OneDrive link in Blackboard.

  1. Prepare your assessment for submission. If the submission has multiple files or folders, you may want to create a single zip containing all of the files.
  2. Upload the file to your UWE OneDrive. Do not use a personal OneDrive or any other cloud storage provider.
  3. Select the file in your OneDrive and then select Share.
  4. Set the share permissions to Anyone with the link. Do not set an expiry date, password or block downloads.
  5. Select Apply, then Copy Link and select copy if the link is not automatically copied to the clipboard.
  6. Follow the normal Blackboard submission process but instead of browsing to a file, open the Write Submission text box and paste the copied OneDrive link into the text submission area
  7. Select Submit.
  8. Check your receipt of the Blackboard Coursework Tab. As no files were attached to your submission, you will see a red exclamation mark to the right of your receipt.
  9. Open the receipt and click on the submission text.html link. This will open in a new browser tab and will contain your OneDrive link. Make sure you can open the link to your OneDrive and your files.

Important Note: After the due date, you must not move, delete or edit the file, or your submission be be invalid. For this reason, we would recommend storing your submitted files in a clearly named folder in your OneDrive so that you know not to edit after submission.

For further information, see:

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