How to view Rubric Marks and Feedback

For assessments that have been marked using a Blackboard Rubric, Students can see the Rubric on the My Marks screen which can be accessed via the Marks link in the left hand navigation. You can also access the My Marks screen from the Coursework area by opening the receipt and then selecting View Full Submission. Please note that the Rubric grid will only be accessible/visible to students if it has been set up by the Module Leader to be visible.

There is a recorded demonstration available on how students can view marks and feedback which does include a section on Rubrics.

  1. From the main left hand navigation bar, select Marks
  2. Scroll down the list of courses until you find the relevant one
  3. Either click on the Course name or View all Work and you will be taken into the My Marks area for that course
  4. If there is any additional feedback you will see a blue speech bubble - click on it to view the feedback.
  5. Click on View Rubric and the rubric grid will load in a separate window - this could potentially include additional feedback in the performance level you achieved and overall feedback at the bottom of the rubric grid
  6. Click on the assessment name to be taken into your actual submitted attempt
  7. From your submitted attempt, you can also access the Rubric grid and any feedback given
example screenshot showing the Marks link in the left hand navigation example screenshot of the My Marks page example screenshot of the attempt page with the rubric icon

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