Reasonable Adjustments

This guidance is for students who have Reasonable Adjustments (RAs) in place and would like to submit their RA assignments in Blackboard. To find out more about requesting Reasonable Adjustments and the adjustments available, please see the guidance on the Health and Wellbeing web pages.

Applying for Reasonable Adjustments to your assignment deadlines

If you are entitled to Reasonable Adjustments to your assignment deadlines, you must make separate RA applications for each of your coursework assignments via the online form in InfoHub (UWE login required).

Your application will be reviewed by your School Programme Support Team. They will check your eligibility for RAs, and whether the assignment you’re applying for is eligible for RAs. More information on eligibility is available on the Health and Wellbeing web pages.

When your application is approved, you and your Module Leader will receive an automated confirmation email with details of the new Reasonable Adjustment deadline for the assignment. You will receive a separate email for each assignment you have requested RAs for.

If your application is rejected, you will receive an email with the reason for the rejection. Advice on the options available to you if your request for RAs is rejected can be found on the Academic Information web pages.

Submitting your Reasonable Adjustment Assignment in Blackboard

To submit your RA assignment in Blackboard, go to the Coursework tab via the link in the main Blackboard menu.

On the Coursework tab, click on ‘Show Reasonable Adjustments’ at the top of the screen.

Clicking on ‘Show Reasonable Adjustments’ will show the RA assignments in your modules.

RA assignments have ‘RA to Deadline’ at the start of the assignment name as shown below.

You will only be able to submit work to an RA assignment if you have applied for and have been approved for RAs for that specific assignment, and your School Programme Support team have added your RA in Blackboard.

If you haven’t applied, your application is waiting for approval, or your RA hasn’t been added in Blackboard, you’ll see an error message when you click on the RA assignment name, saying ‘The item is currently not available’.

During busy assessment periods there can sometimes be a short delay in processing RA requests due to the large number received.  If you’ve requested an RA and are worried that this isn’t available in Blackboard, please email with your student number and the module your RA is for.  If it’s close to the deadline and urgent, please call the IT Service Desk on 0117 328 3612.  Select the ‘Blackboard’ option from the phone menu and we’ll check the progress of your RA application.

After you’ve submitted your RA assignment

>To see a submission receipt for your RA assignment, go to the Coursework tab and click on ‘View Receipts, Marks and Feedback’ and ‘Show Reasonable Adjustments’ at the top of the screen. This will allow you to check your submission receipt for an RA assignment.

When your work has been marked, click on ‘View Receipts, Marks and Feedback’ and ‘Show Reasonable Adjustments’ to see your mark and feedback for an RA assignment.

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