Archived recordings

Panopto automatically archives any recording which has not been viewed in 18 months.

Information about archived recordings

  • Archived recordings are stored in the archive unless restored (NOT deleted - please see the below note).
    • Note: Recordings in the archive are automatically permanently deleted from Panopto 6 years after the date they were originally uploaded – in line with the University policy.

  • Restoration of an archived recording can take up to 48 hours.
  • Archived videos will still be associated with a folder in the library, but will not display in the folder list view.
  • If a recording is restored, it will appear in its associated folder once it is ready to view.

Quick Steps: View archived recordings within a folder

  1. Open the Panopto cloud
  2. Click Browse
  3. Click My Folders
  4. Click the folder containing your recording
    example screenshot showning browse > my folders
  5. Click the view archived videos button (this will only be shown if this folder has archived recordings)
    example screenshot showing the view archived videos button
  6. Archived recordings for the folder will be shown
    example screenshot showing archived recording for the folder

Note: The archive can be searched using the search box at the top of the screen.

Quick Steps: View all archived recordings you have access to restore

  1. Open the Panopto cloud
  2. Click System
  3. Click Archive
    example screenshot showing the archive button
  4. An archive will open showing any recordings you can restore

Note: The archive can be searched using the search box at the top of the screen.

Quick Steps: Restore a recording from the archive

  1. Access either the folder archive or full archive
  2. Find the required recording
  3. Hover the mouse pointer over the required recording
  4. Click restore from archive
    example screenshot showing the restore from archive button
  5. Click OK
  6. The restoration time will be shown
    example screenshot showing the restoration in progress time
  7. Once restored the recording will be located in its original folder

Note: Restoration of an archived recording can take up to 48 hours.

Note: Recordings in the archive are automatically permanently deleted from Panopto 6 years after the date they were originally uploaded – in line with the University policy. Recordings fulfilling this criteria would no longer be available for restoration.

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