University of the West of England


Code: USSJ69-30-M Title: MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY B Version: 5

Level: M UWE credit rating: 30 ECTS credit rating: 15

Module type: STANDARD

Owning Faculty: Applied Sciences Field: Natural & Life Sciences

Valid from: September 2006 Discontinued from:

Pre-requisites: NONE

Co-requisites: NONE

Excluded combinations: NONE

Learning outcomes:

Students will be able to:

    • demonstrate an in depth knowledge of current issues in infectious diseases.

    • evaluate risk of infection and use this to inform the evaluation of safe working practices and procedures.

    • critically evaluate laboratory diagnostic approaches.

    • apply current concepts and practice to the laboratory evaluation of antimicrobial drugs.

Syllabus Content:

Dangerous pathogens & genetically modified microorganisms. Regulatory considerations in working with dangerous pathogens. Risk assessment. Laboratory design and containment facilities. Sterilization and disaffection, applications of available methods. Theoretical consideration of the dynamics of microbial destruction. Control of sterilization and disinfection.

Sexually transmitted diseases epidemiology and laboratory diagnosis. Infections of the upper respiratory tract and central nervous system.

Microbial diversity theoretical and practical applications of molecular genetics to diagnostic microbiology.

Infections of the lower respiratory tract, the urinary tract, bones, joints and haemopoietic system. Blood culture and infectious endocarditis..

Antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents; theoretical considerations. Modes of actions, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Critical review of methodologies for microbial susceptibility testing. The prediction and laboratory measurement of synergy, antagonism, tolerance and the post-antibiotic effect.

The assay of antimicrobials in body fluids.

Mechanisms of resistance to antimicrobials. Detection and characterization of specific mechanisms. Drug combinations.

Laboratory detection of viruses and viral infection. Natural histories of viral epidemics, variation and evolution.

Advances in antiviral agents.

Superficial and systemic mycoses. Detection of infection. Antifungal agents .

Teaching and learning methods:

The module will be delivered as a series of key lectures supported and enhanced by tutorials

student led seminars and workshops.

Tutorials will develop from key lecturers or be based around a ‘journal club’

Seminars will be student led on current issues in Medical Microbiology.

Where ever applicable current electronic technology will be utilised to enhance the learning process

Reading Strategy

All students will be encouraged to make full use of the print and electronic resources available to them through membership of the University. These include a range of electronic journals and a wide variety of resources available through web sites and information gateways. The University Library’s web pages provide access to subject relevant resources and services, and to the library catalogue. Many resources can be accessed remotely. Students will be presented with opportunities within the curriculum to develop their information retrieval and evaluation skills in order to identify such resources effectively.

This guidance will be available either in the module handbook, via the module information on UWEonline or through any other vehicle deemed appropriate by the module/programme leaders.

There is a huge literature supporting Medical Microbiology with over 150 English language journals currently being published, a representative selection are taken at UWE. In addition, as well as the inter-library loan service, where ever possible assistance is given to students to access libraries local to them. In most cases part-time students have their own local access to extensive library services e.g. through Central PHLS

Selected Texts : Current Editions of –

Lorian, V (ed) Antibiotics in Labaratory Medicine

Schaechter et al. Mechanisms of Microbial Disease. Williams & Wilkins

Topley and Wilson . Microbiology and Microbial Infection (text and CD ROM). Arnold.

Brooks et al. Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology.

Reeves et al. Clincal Antimicrobial Assays. BSAC


British Medical Journal

Microbiological Reviews

Reviews of Medical Microbiology

Trends in Microbiology


Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotheropy


Weighting between components A and B (standard modules only) A: 50% B: 50%


First Assessment Opportunity

Component A Element weighting


Examination (3 hours)




Component B

Description of each element Element weighting


Poster Presentation & Abstract





Second Assessment Opportunity (further attendance at taught classes) NO

Component A

Description of each element Element weighting


Examination (3 hours)




Component B

Description of each element Element weighting


Poster Presentation & Abstract




SECOND (OR SUBSEQUENT) ATTEMPT Attendance at taught classes. YES

Specification confirmed by …………………………………………………Date ……………………………

(Associate Dean/Programme Director)

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