University of the

West of England



Level: UWE credit rating: ECTS credit rating:

Module type:

Owning Faculty: Health and Life Sciences Field:

Faculty Committee approval: Q&S Committee (School of Life Sciences) Date: Summer 2009

Approved for Delivery by: N/A

Valid from: September 2009 Discontinued from:

Pre-requisites: NONE

Co-requisites: NONE

Entry requirements: N/A

Excluded combinations: NONE

Learning outcomes:

Students will be able to:

• critically evaluate the processes involved in the maintenance of normal blood composition and function;

• critically discuss the biological bases of selected haematological disease states;

• interpret bold parameters that characterise selected disease states;

• appraise the nature and significance of investigative haematology and its role in the diagnostic process;

• describe in detail the nature and significance of human blood groups of major clinical importance and critically discuss barriers they represent for transfusion;

• discuss critically the strategies which underpin optimal utilisation of donated blood;

• critically appraise appropriate methods for the demonstration of different antigen-antibody reactions and evaluate the chemical and physical variables which govern their sensitivity;

• describe in detail the biological bases of the different immunohaemolytic disease states;

• critically appraise relevant scientific literature.

Syllabus outline:

• Physical and chemical requirements for optimal haemopoiesis throughout life.

Content of the blood and bone marrow. Reference values. Ontogeny and sites of haemopoiesis. Regulation of haemopoiesis. Nutritional requirements.

• The anaemias.

Classification systems. Megaloblastic anaemias. Iron deficiency and related anaemias. Normal erythrocyte structure and function. Red cell survival disorders. Haemoglobinopathies and the thalassaemia syndromes. Red cell enzymopathies.

• Haematological malignancy.

Aetiology and the multi-hit hypothesis. Classification. Principles of investigation and diagnostic criteria. Pathophysiology. Theoretical basis of cytotoxic chemotherapy.

• Haemostasis.

Structure and contribution to haemostatic function of blood vessels, platelets, coagulation proteins and fibrinolytic proteins. Functional inter-relationships between the vascular, platelet, coagulation and fibrinolytic systems. Naturally occurring inhibitors of coagulation and fibrinolysis. Haemorrhagic conditions. The hypercoagulable state.

• Blood donation.

Principles of the selection, collection, separation, storage and transportation of donated blood components for transfusion. The bacteriology, virology and parasitology of diseases which can be transmitted by transfusion.

• Blood and tissue groups.

The major blood polymorphism’s e.g. ABO, Rh, and selected other blood group systems. Blood group structure, function and relevance to transfusion.

• Compatibility of blood and organs.

In vitro antibody-antigen reactions for the selection of compatible blood. Optimisation of detection techniques for in vitro antibody-antigen reactions.

• Immunohaematology.

Laboratory investigation of serological reactions to aid diagnosis of immunohaemolytic disease and immunological transfusion reactions. Strategies for the prophylaxis of immunohaemolytic disease.

• Transfusion therapy.

The appropriate use of blood components. Hypersensitivity responses to transfusion.

Teaching and learning methods:

This module will be delivered as a series of keynote lectures, designed to highlight the important principles and concepts of each topic and to provide a framework for personal study. Lectures will be supported by tutorials, case studies, guided reading, intranet tutorials and a specially written web site. Tutorials will explore in more detail, selected topics from the syllabus and will be highly interactive. They will also be used to encourage students to utilise their existing knowledge to develop their understanding of haematology. Case studies will build upon lectures and facilitate the development of analytical and interpretative skills. Guided reading will be provided in advance of lectures and will direct the student to both preparative and supplementary information sources. Copies of all handouts will be available on Blackboard. A Web site has been constructed which links to some of the best available information sources on the internet. All links have been investigated for their validity and usefulness in this context.

Reading Strategy:

All students will be encouraged to make full use of the print and electronic resources available to them through membership of the University. These include a range of electronic journals and a wide variety of resources available through web sites and information gateways. The University Library’s web pages provide access to subject relevant resources and services, and to the library catalogue. Many resources can be accessed remotely. Students will be presented with opportunities within the curriculum to develop their information retrieval and evaluation skills in order to identify such resources effectively.

Any essential reading will be indicated clearly, along with the method for accessing it, e.g. students may be expected to purchase a set text, be given or sold a print study pack or be referred to texts that are available electronically, etc. This guidance will be available either in the module handbook, via the module information on Blackboard or through any other vehicle deemed appropriate by the module/programme leaders.

If further reading is expected, this will be indicated clearly. If specific texts are listed, a clear indication will be given regarding how to access them and, if appropriate, students will be given guidance on how to identify relevant sources for themselves, e.g. through use of bibliographical databases.

Indicative Reading List:

The following list is offered to provide validation panels/accrediting bodies with an indication of the type and level of information students may be expected to consult. As such, its currency may wane during the lifespan of the module specification. However, as indicated above, CURRENT advice on readings will be available via other more frequently updated mechanisms.

The module texts are

• Hoffbrand, A. V. Pettit,J. E. & Moss, P.A.H.(2006) Essential Haematology (5th Ed)

• Overfield, J., Dawson, M.M., and Hamer, D. (2007) Transfusion Science (2nd Ed)

Indicative sources:

All aspects of the syllabus are covered in general Haematology and Molecular Biology books such as:

• Postgraduate Haematology (5th Ed), Hoffbrand, Tuddenham and Catovsky,

• Molecular Hematology: 2nd Ed, Provan and Gribben,

• Hematopoietic cell transplantation Thomas, E. Donnall.

• Hughes-Jones, NC: Lecture Notes on Haematology (7th Ed) 2004

• Okpala, IE: Practical Management of Haemoglobinopathies. 2004

• Pallister, C J. Blood: Physiology and Pathophysiology 1994

• Daniels, G. Human Blood groups, 2nd edition 2002

• Klein, H., Anstee D.J (2005) Mollison’s Blood Transfusion in Clinical Medicine, 11th edition

Suitable textbooks can be found in Section 616 and the short-loan section of the library.


Weighting between components A and B (standard modules only) A: 50% B: 50%


First Assessment Opportunity

Component A (controlled) Element weighting (%)


Examination (3 hours)














Component B

Description of each element Element weighting (%)


Essay (1500 words)



Case Study








Second Assessment Opportunity (further attendance at taught classes )

Component A

Description of each element Element weighting (%)


Examination (3 hours)














Component B

Description of each element Element weighting (%)


Essay (1500 words)



Case Study











SECOND (OR SUBSEQUENT) ATTEMPT Attendance at taught classes .

Specification confirmed by …………………………………………………Date ……………………………

(Associate Dean/Programme Director)

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