University of the West of England


(Revised October 2005)




Planning for Learning and Assessment





UWE credit rating:


ECTS credit rating:


Module type:

Unit of Assessment

Owning Faculty:

Social Sciences and Humanities


Education Non-Modular

Field Leader (See Guidance Notes):


Valid from:

1 September 2008

Discontinued from:


Contributes towards (See Guidance Notes):

Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (PCET);

Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PCET)


UTXGMN-20-3 Preparing to Teach in Lifelong Learning

UTXGMP-15-3 Professional Development and Practical Teaching A



Excluded combinations:


Learning outcomes:

Outcomes are related to the relevant assignment components and assignments in turn are cross referenced to indicative LLUK ‘core unit’ learning outcomes, e.g. ‘PEL1’. All learning outcomes are assessed in the Assignment.

This unit’s coverage includes LLUK core units Planning and Enabling Learning (PEL) and Principles and Practice of Assessment (PPA) and option unit ‘Inclusive Practice’ (IP). Taken together with UTXGMN-20-3, UTXGMP-10-3 and UTXGMQ-20-3, it therefore exceeds requirements for the Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (CTLLS).

Upon completion, all students will have demonstrated they can engage creatively, professionally and analytically with issues and practical choices relating to the aptitudes listed below:

    Planning and enabling learning

    1. planning for inclusive learning. (Component B);

    2. negotiating appropriate individual goals with learners. (Component B);

    3. use of teaching and learning strategies and resources inclusively to meet curriculum requirements. (Components A and B);

    4. use of a range of communication skills and methods to communicate effectively with learners and relevant parties in their organisation. (Components A and B);

    5. supporting skills in literacy, language, mathematics and ICT (Component A);

    6. use of reflection, evaluation and feedback to develop their own practice (Component B).

    Principles and Practice of Assessment

    7. application of key concepts and principles of assessment (Component B);

    8. differentiation of types of assessment (Component B);

    9. evaluation of the strengths and limitations of a range of assessment methods, including, as appropriate, those which exploit new and emerging technologies (Component B);

    10. use of feedback and questioning in the assessment of learning (Component B);

    11. monitoring, assessment, recording and reporting learner progress and achievement to meet the requirements of the learning programme and the organisation (Component B);

    12. evaluation of the effectiveness of their own practice (Component B).

    They will also have demonstrated critical understanding of

    13. The relative roles of the full and associate teacher and that of the classroom learning support assistant (Component B).

Syllabus outline:

Planning and enabling learning; principles and practice of assessment; communicating and working together in a team.

Teaching and learning methods:

The unit aims to provide models of good teaching practice to a multi-disciplinary cohort and the methods remain varied. They include workshops, lectures and seminars, role-play, simulation, demonstration, observation, small and large group discussion, tutorials, self-directed study, case studies. Students are encouraged to lead parts of sessions.

This unit complements and supports the placement. Where appropriate students are encouraged to compare and discuss their experience and observations as teachers as well as their own previous experience as students and to develop a reflective habit at this early stage of their professional development.

Reading Strategy:

Essential reading will be provided electronically or as printed study packs or recommended book purchases. Students will be encouraged to read widely using the library catalogue, a variety of bibliographic and full text databases, and Internet resources. Guidance to some key authors and journal titles available through the Library will be given in the handbook or made available on UWEonline. It is expected that assignment bibliographies and reference lists will reflect the range of reading carried out. It is important that students can identify and retrieve appropriate reading. This unit offers an opportunity to further develop information skills. Students will receive guidance and attend a library workshop on selection of appropriate databases and search skills. There are some excellent books published in this subject area. Students will be encouraged to buy a personal core library of relevant books.

Indicative Reading List:

The following list is offered to provide validation panels/accrediting bodies with an indication of the type and level of information students may be expected to consult. As such, its currency may wane during the life span of the unit specification. However, as indicated above, current advice on readings will be available via other more frequently updated mechanisms.

BRANDES, G. & GINNIS, P. (1986) A guide to student-centred learning, London: Blackwell.

COLES, A. (ed.) (2004) Teaching in post compulsory education London: David Fulton

GOULD, M. (ed.)(1999) Language, communication and learning: a reader London: Greenwich University Press

GRAVELLS, A. (2006) Delivering adult learning Exeter: Learning Matters

HAMMERSLEY, L. (2006) The teaching assistant's guide: an essential textbook for foundation degree students, Routledge

HARTNEY, E. (2006) How to manage stress in FE: applying research, theory and skills to post compulsory education and training London: Continuum

LEA, J. et al (2003), Working in post compulsory education, Maidenhead: Open University Press

NEARY, M. (2002) Curriculum studies in post-compulsory and adult education: a study guide for teachers and student teachers Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes

WALLACE, S. (2005, 2nd edition) Teaching and supporting learning in further education Learning Matters Ltd. Exeter



First Assessment Opportunity

Component A

This should be equivalent in demand to a written assignment of 1500 words.

Evident and effective participation in preparation and delivery of a team presentation, including five minutes of exposition from the trainee. The presentation as a whole should explain, define and compare the complementary roles of those involved in supporting inclusive student learning. The presentation might, for example, cover the work of the full and associate teacher, together with that of the learning support assistant. The presentation should identify issues and offer and justify suggestions for ethical and effective practice in a teaching team.


Students will be required to meet the following academic criteria:

A L3: Conceptual Domain (Core)

The assignment demonstrates that the student can use and organise coherently relevant ideas, perspectives or theories to interpret and/or explore issues under study and in addition can critically analyse and/or evaluate those ideas, perspectives or theories.

EL3: Ethical Domain

The assignment demonstrates that the student has an awareness of ethical issues arising in or associated with the area of study, showing sensitive engagement with an appropriate ethical framework for interpretation of ideas or for practice (IP4).

Component B

This should be equivalent in demand to a written assignment of 1500 words. The student will have

1. Developed a scheme of work (SOW) for a block of 6-10 sessions including aims, objectives, outline content and indications of resources.

2. Written a rationale for the chosen methods of assessment.

3. Written a rationale for chosen methods of communication with and among learners.

4. Described and discussed briefly the extent to which both available and emerging technologies are or might be used as resources for learning or teaching in the scheme of work.

5. Described and evaluated briefly the actual or possible complementary roles of a full

teacher, associate teacher, teaching assistant, technical support and college learning support services within the delivery of the scheme of work.


Students will also be required to meet the following academic criteria:

A L3: Conceptual Domain (Core)

The assignment demonstrates that the student can use and organise coherently relevant ideas, perspectives or theories to interpret and/or explore issues under study and in addition can critically analyse and/or evaluate those ideas, perspectives or theories.

B L3: Literature Domain

The assignment demonstrates that the student can reference appropriate literature and utilise it in the development of analysis and discussion of ideas.

Second Assessment Opportunity (further attendance at taught classes is not required)

Component A

This should be equivalent in demand to a written assignment of 1500 words.

A 5 minute presentation which should explain, define and compare the complementary roles of those involved in supporting inclusive student learning. The presentation might, for example, cover the work of the full and associate teacher, together with that of the learning support assistant. The presentation should identify issues and offer and justify suggestions for ethical and effective practice in a teaching team.


Students will be required to meet the following academic criteria:

A L3: Conceptual Domain (Core)

The assignment demonstrates that the student can use and organise coherently relevant ideas, perspectives or theories to interpret and/or explore issues under study and in addition can critically analyse and/or evaluate those ideas, perspectives or theories.

EL3: Ethical Domain

The assignment demonstrates that the student has an awareness of ethical issues arising in or associated with the area of study, showing sensitive engagement with an appropriate ethical framework for interpretation of ideas or for practice (IP4).

Component B

This should be equivalent in demand to a written assignment of 1500 words. The student will have

1. Developed a scheme of work (SOW) for a block of 6-10 sessions including aims, objectives, outline content and indications of resources.

2. Written a rationale for the chosen methods of assessment.

3. Written a rationale for chosen methods of communication with and among learners.

4. Described and discussed briefly the extent to which both available and emerging technologies are or might be used as resources for learning or teaching in the scheme of work.

5. Described and evaluated briefly the actual or possible complementary roles of a full

6. teacher, associate teacher, teaching assistant, technical support and college learning support services within the delivery of the scheme of work.


Students will also be required to meet the following academic criteria:

A L3: Conceptual Domain (Core)

The assignment demonstrates that the student can use and organise coherently relevant ideas, perspectives or theories to interpret and/or explore issues under study and in addition can critically analyse and/or evaluate those ideas, perspectives or theories.

B L3: Literature Domain

The assignment demonstrates that the student can reference appropriate literature and utilise it in the development of analysis and discussion of ideas.

Specification confirmed by …………………………………………………Date ………………

(Associate Dean/Programme Director)

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