University of the West of England


Code: USSJHS-20-0 Title: Organic Molecules


Level: UWE credit rating: ECTS credit rating:

Module type:

Owning Faculty: Applied Sciences Field:

Valid from: September 2005 Discontinued from:

Pre-requisites: None

Co-requisites: None

Excluded combinations: None

Learning outcomes:

      • apply rules of chemical nomenclature to simple carbon molecules.

      • describe types of organic compounds by their functional groups and reactivity.

      • perform basic laboratory techniques.

      • describe examples of carbon compounds synthesised on an industrial scale.

Syllabus outline:

    - introduction to laboratory skills, for example recrystallization, melting points, distillation, filtration, solvent extraction.

    - carbon compounds and systematic nomenclature.

    - functional groups: alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters amines, amides.

    - basic description of bonding in saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.

    - symbolising simple organic reactions and types of reaction.

    - types of isomerism in organic molecules.

    - industrial and biological importance of carbon molecules illustrated by examples, such as amino acids, plastics, artifical fibres.

Teaching and learning methods:

    A programme of lectures, tutorials and laboratory work will be used to combine the theoretical and practical components of this module. The practical work will cover a variety of topics appropriate to the lecture material.

Reading Strategy

All students will be encouraged to make full use of the print and electronic resources available to them through membership of the University. These include a range of electronic journals and a wide variety of resources available through web sites and information gateways. The University Library’s web pages provide access to subject relevant resources and services, and to the library catalogue. Many resources can be accessed remotely. Students will be presented with opportunities within the curriculum to develop their information retrieval and evaluation skills in order to identify such resources effectively.

This guidance will be available either in the module handbook, via the module information on UWEonline or through any other vehicle deemed appropriate by the module/programme leaders

    Lewis R. & Evans W., Chemistry Foundations, MacMillan, 2001

    G.I.Sackheim, An Introduction to Chemistry for Biology Students, Pearson, 2005


Weighting between components A and B (standard modules only) A: 40% B: 60%


First Assessment Opportunity

Component A (controlled) Element weighting


Examination (2 hour)














Component B

Description of each element Element weighting


Contemporaneous Practical Log Book



Multiple choice questions.











Second Assessment Opportunity (further attendance at taught classes )

Component A

Description of each element Element weighting


Examination (2 hour)














Component B

Description of each element Element weighting


Multiple choice questions covering lecture and practical topics














SECOND (OR SUBSEQUENT) ATTEMPT Attendance at taught classes .

Specification confirmed by …………………………………………………Date ……………………………

(Associate Dean/Programme Director)

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