University of the West of England


(Revised July 2001)




Evidencing Learning from Experience





UWE Credit Rating:


ECTS Credit Rating:


Module Type:


Owning Faculty:

Social Sciences and Humanities


Secondary Education and Lifelong Learning

Valid From:

September 2008

Discontinued From:


Contributes Towards:

Cert HE (learning Support)

Dip HE (Learning Support)

Cert HE (Learning Mentors)

DipHE (Learning Mentors)

CertHE ( Education Welfare Studies)

DipHE (Education Welfare Studies)





Excluded Combinations:


Learning outcomes:

As a consequence of this module participants will be able to :

• identify some key learning events in their professional development of appropriate scope and/or depth of enquiry;

• demonstrate congruence with intended programme aims and learning outcomes;

• identify the learning outcomes associated with those learning events and to critically identify the significance of that learning to their professional development;

• situate their professional learning in context;

• show that they can identify the relationship between theory and practice in the workplace;

• take responsibility for own learning, accommodating new principles and understandings

• evidence their learning from experience.

Syllabus outline:

An exploration of what constitutes a ‘learning event’ and ‘learning outcomes’ of an appropriate level; an autobiographical perspective on professional learning; how to identify evidence of professional learning and to present it in an effective portfolio.

Teaching and learning methods:

Workshop activities in collaboration with peers to explore the range of possible sources for a portfolio presentation, and to articulate the relevant professional learning that has accrued. Individual or small group tutorials for guidance on the scope and layout of the portfolio.

Reading Strategy

There will be a set text which students are expected to buy. Other essential reading will be provided electronically or as printed study packs.

Further reading is not essential for this module, but students will be encouraged to explore at least one of the titles held in the library on this topic. A current list of such titles will be given in the module handbook and revised annually.

One of the Level 1 modules within a programme, will provide opportunities for students to start to develop their library and information skills.

Indicative sources:

BUTTERWORTH C (1992): `More than one bite at the APEL: contrasting models of accrediting prior learning', Journal of Further and Higher Education, Vol 16, no 3: Autumn 92, p 39-51.

CRITTEN P (1995): Assessing and Accrediting Prior and Work-based Learning London, Middlesex University.

NYATANGA L (1996) Good practice in the accreditation of prior learning London: Cassell

MARSHALL, L. & ROWLAND, S. (1993) A Guide to Learning Independently, (2nd Ed), Buckingham: OUP.

SUTHERLAND J, HAMILL J (1994): `Accrediting prior learning: part one: its nature and potential', Education and Training, Vol 36, no 4: 94, p 27-30.

SUTHERLAND J, HAMILL J (1994): `Accrediting prior learning: part two: student reflections on an APEL exercise', Education and Training, Vol 36, no 6: 94, p 6-10.

UNDERWOOD B (1995): `The accreditation of experiential learning for teachers: its contribution to continuing professional development and its viability as a process', British Journal of In-Service Education, Vol 21, no 1: 95 p 7-14.

UCAS (1997): Accreditation of Prior Learning; briefing for Higher Education, Cheltenham, UCAS.

WILLIAMS, K. (1999) Developing Writing Skills Oxford: Oxford Centre for Staff Development.

Additional readings and websites will be identified by the tutor, with reference to the area of study



First Assessment Opportunity

Component A

A portfolio evidencing professional learning from experience, the written commentary not to exceed the relevant word length for an associated module of comparable size (7,000 words).

Assessment criteria:

AL1 : Conceptual Domain (Core)

The assignment demonstrates that the student can use and organise coherently relevant ideas and perspectives to interpret and/or explore issues under study.

C: Contextual DomainL1: The assignment demonstrates that the student has an awareness of contextual factors (eg personal, locational, historical, political etc) influencing the area of study.

G: Action DomainL1: The assignment demonstrates that the student has awareness of a relationship between theory and practice in the workplace, and can use reflection to develop a personal theory and refine professional practice, with due regard to issues of equity and social justice.

Students will provide a witnessed declaration of authenticity.

Documentation generated in the process of producing the assignment will be made available upon request.

The student must demonstrate to the supervising tutor that the work submitted does not duplicate work previously submitted for assessment for other modules within the intended programme

Second Assessment Opportunity (further attendance at taught classes is not required)

Component A

A portfolio evidencing professional learning from experience, the written commentary not to exceed the relevant word length for an associated module of comparable size (7,000 words).

Assessment criteria:

AL1 : Conceptual Domain (Core)

The assignment demonstrates that the student can use and organise coherently relevant ideas and perspectives to interpret and/or explore issues under study.

C: Contextual DomainL1: The assignment demonstrates that the student has an awareness of contextual factors (eg personal, locational, historical, political etc) influencing the area of study.

G: Action DomainL1: The assignment demonstrates that the student has awareness of a relationship between theory and practice in the workplace, and can use reflection to develop a personal theory and refine professional practice, with due regard to issues of equity and social justice.

Students will provide a witnessed declaration of authenticity.

Documentation generated in the process of producing the assignment will be made available upon request.

The student must demonstrate to the supervising tutor that the work submitted does not duplicate work previously submitted for assessment for other modules within the intended programme

SECOND (OR SUBSEQUENT) ATTEMPT Attendance at taught classes is not required.

Specification confirmed by ……………………………………Date ……………………………

(Associate Dean/Programme Director)

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