Editing a My Media file

The ‘Edit’ function can be accessed from the My Media front screen or when viewing a media file.

There are six tabs in the edit function:

  1. Details: where you can edit the name, description and meta tags
  2. Options: where you can set options for comments
  3. Collaboration: Where you can change the media ownership and are able to add co-editors and co-publishers to your media
  4. Captions: where you can upload and manage captions
  5. Thumbnails: where you can upload or capture a thumbnail
  6. Timeline: where you can set chapters to your file

example screenshot showing the edit tabs

example screenshot showing the edit tabs


You can overwrite or add to the name and description.

To remove an existing tag, click on the ‘x’ within the tag. To add a new tab, type the word in the tags field and a tag will be offered. Click on the tag to add it.

Select Save if you have made any changes and Go to Media to return to the view file screen.


When you add a new file to your My Media area, by default the comments function is enabled.

example screeshot of the options tab

Disable comments for this media if ticked, comments are not visible. This will not delete any comments.

Close discussion (do not allow new comments) will stop further comments from being added. If Disable comments for this media is not ticked, all comments up to that point will remain visible. If Disable comments for this media is ticked, the comments will not be visible at all.


By default, you will be the only person with permissions over your recorded content. However, if required you are able to change the owner of a piece of media, and add co-editors and co-publishers to your media.

Co-editors – can edit media but cannot delete media or add new co-editors or co-publishers.

Co-publishers – can publish media to their entitled courses or areas.

QUICK STEPS:Changing a Media Owner

Note: If you change the media owner you will no longer be able to edit the media and it will no longer appear in your 'My Media list'

  1. Click the Change media owner button
  2. Enter the username (or searchby entering the surname) of the new media owner
  3. Click Save

The media will disappear from your My Media gallery and will now be available in the selected users Media Gallery

QUICK STEPS: Adding a Collaborator

  1. Click the +Add Collaborator button
  2. Enter the username (or search by entering the surname) of the new collaborator
  3. Select the required permissions
  4. Click Add
  5. Thumbnails

    You can chose a thumbnail for your media - this image will be what users first see whenever the media link is displayed. They click on the image to play the media. If no thumbnail is set, users by default see the first frame of your media.

    There are three ways you can add a thumbnail:

    1. Upload: use an image that you already have saved on your computer
    2. Capture: use the player to select a frame that you want to use
    3. Auto-Generate: select one of the ten system generated thumbnails


    You have the option to upload a caption file to your media - a caption is text that plays automatically over your media at set points in time. Only video files can have captions.

    Please note that you are not able to create caption files in Kaltura. You would need appropriate software in order to create this type of file yourself. Only SRT and DFXP file types are supported.

    Once you have uploaded your caption file you will see it listed with some further Action options.

    1. Set as default: if you have more than one caption file uploaded, the current default file will show with a black tick. To select an alternative default, click on the blue tick of the relevant file.
    2. Edit: you can edit the language set for your caption file and also the label that you have given. To save your changes, select the blue edit icon.
    3. Delete: this will delete the caption file. This cannot be undone.
    4. Download: you can download a copy of a caption file.

    example screenshot showing the caption options


    You can add Chapters to your video, for example you can mark the beginning of a new topic or important sections, or enhance navigation for long videos.

    QUICK STEPS: Adding a chapter to your video

    1. Using the timeline, click at the time that you want your chapter. A red line will appear.
    2. Now click on the Chapter icon and a chapter will be added to the red line.
    3. If you need to adjust the position of the chapter, either drag the line to the correct time, or use the time up and down arrows to get to the correct point.
    4. By default a thumbnail will be captured for the chapter based on the frame time but you can upload your own if you wish.
    5. Enter a title for the chapter and description.
    6. Optionally, enter tags if you want to be able to search chapters.
    7. Enter a title for the chapter and description.
    8. Select Save.
    9. To view or edit an existing chapter, click on the blue icon and the chapter details will be displayed.

    example screenshot showing quick steps 2 to 8 above

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