Using Kaltura Capture

Note: Please see the Kaltura minimum requirements needed to use the Kaltura Capture software

The very first time you launch Kaltura Capture, it must be launched from the My Media 'Add New' option 'Kaltura Capture'. This creates a link between Kaltura Capture and your My Media area. Once you have done this the first time, from then on you can either launch directly from the Kaltura Capture application on your PC, or via the My Media area.

It is strongly recommended that you first record and upload a short test recording to ensure that the application is working with your computer.

Select what you wish to record by

  • Clicking the drop down arrows for Screen, Camera and Audio, to select the appropriate source
  • Clicking the Screen, Camera and Audio icons to turn off recording for that element, where required
  • Changing settings as required (via the manage button and cog wheel icon)
  1. Screen/Camera
  2. Screen/Camera
  3. Audio
  4. Manage (library and settings)

Note: It is recommended that if you wish to record your screen, you select this from the from the first drop down menu (1)

When ready click the record button (5)

Recording presentations

To create a presentation recording, first make sure you've selected screen (1) input for the recording and set your PowerPoint presentation to slideshow mode.

Once the presentation is shown on the screen and the recording has started, the slides will be automatically captured and uploaded as time based chapters on the video. In addition, the text from the slides will be automatically indexed, making it instantly searchable for viewers. No additional step is necessary. If you'd like to record both the presentation and another input screen or webcam, set the second input to the screen or webcam as needed.

Further guidance

For further guidance on using Kaltura Capture, please see Kaltura's How to set the recording options in Kaltura Personal Capture video, How to Set and Create a Presentation Recording with Kaltura Personal Capture video, Personal Capture User Guide and the Kaltura Personal Capture Recording Guidance Options.

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