Academic Record Explanations


Section Displayed Explanation
Header Rows Module Details These columns show the details of each module you have taken
Module Marks These columns show your marks and board decision for the most recent assessment opportunity which has been signed off by a Field Board
Overall For past, published, marks this is your overall mark for the module, which has been calculated using the appropriate weighting for each component (Comp A and Comp B)
Decision For past, published, marks this is the decision of the award board; success or failure on an individual module does not imply any particular outcome on an award overall
Unconfirmed Marks Published This column shows a View Marks link when unconfirmed marks have been released for you to view. A red star indicates that you have not yet viewed your unconfirmed marks. These are marks that have been recorded for you that require approval at a meeting of the examining board. It is possible that they may be amended up or down
Credit Status This column shows the latest status for each of your modules and it will show as Enrolled until the examining board process is complete and your marks have been published
Counts To Award This column shows the code of the award that this module will count towards (if any)
Overall Pass You have passed this module
Fail You have no more assessment opportunities for this module
NS Non-submission - this means that you failed to submit any work for all elements of the component or you were absent from the examinations for the component
Bracketed Mark This mark is capped for calculation of classification. The non-bracketed mark is the full mark, and the mark in brackets is the capped mark. The reason for the capping is that you failed a previous assessment opportunity for this module.
_ Your marks for this assessment opportunity may or may not yet exist, but this box will be blank until your marks have been signed off by an examining board
Decision Fail You have no more assessment opportunities for this module
Compensated You have failed the module, but the examining board is satisfied that the module learning outcomes have been met. You do not need to resit or retake the module and you will be awarded the mark and credit.
1RA You have not yet passed. You need to resit all assessments in Component A. Find more help in the module specification.
1RB You have not yet passed. You need to resit all assessments in Component B. Find more help in the module specification.
1RALL You have not yet passed this module. Your resits depend on the module start date. See our marks guidance for details.
1F You have not yet passed. You will need to enrol to retake or repeat the module and all assessments in another academic year. Find more help in the module specification.
2RA You have not yet passed. You need to resit all assessments in Component A. Find more help in the module specification.
2RB You have not yet passed. You need to resit all assessments in Component B. Find more help in the module specification.
2RALL You have not yet passed this module. Your resits depend on the module start date. See our marks guidance for details.
2F You have not yet passed. You will need to enrol to retake or repeat the module and all assessments in another academic year. Find more help in the module specification.
3RA You have not yet passed. You need to resit all assessments in Component A. Find more help in the module specification.
3RB You have not yet passed. You need to resit all assessments in Component B. Find more help in the module specification.
3RALL You have not yet passed this module. Your resits depend on the module start date. See our marks guidance for details.
3F You have not yet passed. You will need to enrol to retake or repeat the module and all assessments in another academic year. Find more help in the module specification.
ABDEC The outcome has been referred to the award board for a decision, the decision will show when it has been signed off by the award board.
_ There is no decision yet for this assessment opportunity
* (Appended to any of the above) Decision that has not yet been signed off by an award board and has not considered any removal of mark applications. The result of an individual module does not imply an overall outcome for an award.
Credit Status AL Accredited Learning: this is learning which has been achieved either here or elsewhere and has been recognised as contributing to your overall credit total
AEL Accredited Experiential Learning: that you have done elsewhere that has been confirmed as achieving credit at UWE Bristol
Achieved You have passed this module and achieved the credit for it
Excused You have not passed this module but your award board has agreed that you do not need to repeat it in order to gain your award
Failed You have failed this module and are not permitted any further attempts at it
Compensated You have failed the module, but the examining board is satisfied that the module learning outcomes have been met. You do not need to resit or retake the module and you will be awarded the mark and credit.
Enrolled You are enrolled on a run of this module that has not yet been to an examining board
Referred You have had at least one attempt at this module which you have not passed and you do not currently have an open enrolment on it
Cashed-In Modules that you have studied and passed, but have "cashed in" for accredited learning credit. The credit amounts shown no longer count and cannot be re-used
Counts To Award _ Non-counting module: this module does not count towards your award

Assessment opportunities

Section Displayed Explanation
Header Rows Comp A Assessment under controlled conditions - this is normally an examination
Comp B Assessment under other conditions - this is normally coursework
Overall This was your overall mark for this assessment opportunity. It was calculated using the appropriate weighting for each component (Comp A and Comp B)
Decision A decision followed by an asterisk (*) indicates that this is a decision which has not yet been signed off by an award board; success or failure in an individual module does not imply any particular outcome on an award overall
Ext Circs (now known as Personal Circs) Decisions for any missed assessments / removal of mark applications you have submitted (formerly known as extenuating circumstances)
Status COMP You completed the assessment opportunity. This does not necessarily mean that you passed it
WD You withdrew from the assessment opportunity, which completed this attempt at the module
ON You have an enrolment on a run of this module which has not yet been signed off by an examining board
EE You have a provisional enrolment on a run of this module. It needs to be confirmed before you can be properly enrolled on it
Comp A or Comp B Pass You have passed the component
Fail You have failed the component
NS Non-submission - this means that you failed to submit any work for all elements of the component or you were absent from the examinations for the component
EXEMPT For some reason you were not required to take the assessment
_ Will be blank until your marks have been signed off by an examining board
~ (Appended to a mark) The mark for this component will be capped because you failed a previous assessment for this module
(T) (Appended to a mark) Assessment task mark has been penalised due to late submission under our academic regulations
Overall Pass You have passed this module
Fail You have no more assessment opportunities for this module
NS Non-submission - this means that you failed to submit any work for all elements of the component or you were absent from the examinations for the component
Bracketed Mark This mark is capped for calculation of classification. The mark without brackets is the full mark, and the mark with brackets is the capped mark. The mark is capped because you failed a previous assessment for this module.
_ Will be blank until your marks have been signed off by an examining board
Decision Fail You have no more assessment opportunities for this module
1RA You have not yet passed. You need to resit all assessments in Component A. Find more help in the module specification.
1RB You have not yet passed. You need to resit all assessments in Component B. Find more help in the module specification.
1RALL You have not yet passed this module. Your resits depend on the module start date. See our marks guidance for details.
1F You have not yet passed. You will need to enrol to retake / repeat the module and all assessments in another academic year. Find more help in the module specification.
2RA You have not yet passed. You need to resit all assessments in Component A. Find more help in the module specification.
2RB You have not yet passed. You need to resit all assessments in Component B. Find more help in the module specification.
2RALL You have not yet passed this module. Your resits depend on the module start date. See our marks guidance for details.
2F You have not yet passed. You will need to enrol to retake / repeat the module and all assessments in another academic year. Find more help in the module specification.
3RA You have not yet passed. You need to resit all assessments in Component A. Find more help in the module specification.
3RB You have not yet passed. You need to resit all assessments in Component B. Find more help in the module specification.
3RALL You have not yet passed this module. Your resits depend on the module start date. See our marks guidance for details.
3F You have not yet passed. You will need to enrol to retake / repeat the module and all assessments in another academic year. Find more help in the module specification.
ABDEC The outcome has been referred to the award board for a decision; the decision will be displayed when it has been signed off by the award board
* (Appended to any of the above) *This is a decision which has not yet been signed off by an award board and has not taken into account any missed assessments / removal of mark applications you may have submitted. Success or failure on an individual module does not imply any particular outcome on an award overall
_ There is no decision yet for this assessment opportunity
Ext Circs (now known as Personal Circs) Extra Attempt The award board has accepted your removal of mark application. You can take another attempt at the module if you need it.
Exceptional Retake The award board has reviewed the outcome of your assessments on this module against your complete academic profile for the current academic year. You will be permitted an exceptional retake of the module if you need it.
Ongoing The award board has accepted your removal of mark application and will take this into account when considering your overall award outcome.
Uncap The award board has accepted your removal of mark application. If you pass the module at the next assessment opportunity, your overall mark will not be capped when calculating your overall award outcome.
Excuse Credit The award board has accepted your removal of mark application against your failure in this module. You will not be required to pass it to be eligible for your award. You still need to get sufficient credits to meet the requirements of your award.
Rejected The award board has rejected your removal of mark application
Accepted The award board has accepted your removal of mark application and has not found it necessary to take any further action
Pending The award board has not yet reached a decision about the impact of your removal of mark application
Cautionary text Unconfirmed You need to be aware that any marks shown as unconfirmed are subject to approval by the relevant Field and Award Boards. It is possible that they may be amended up or down. You must contact Info Point as soon as possible if you believe any marks to be incorrectly recorded (including N/A marks). Contact details can be found in our MYUWE guidance.
Marks Header Rows Due The date of the submission deadline. If the assessment is an exam, there will be a blank in this column.
Work Item This is the name of the assessment, (referred to as the work item or element) and will sometimes, but not always, have an indication of the nature of the assessment. This is used as the assignment if the submission is online in Blackboard.
Code This is the code use for the work item (or element) and is to enable the work item to have a unique reference for identification.
Mark A mark of “N/A” indicates that no mark has been entered for this piece of work.

The mark shown is the mark before any penalty, if applicable, has been deducted for late work according to the regulations. Please refer to Academic Regulation H1 – late submission of work for assessment.

Additional Info This is where you will see details of any late submissions.
Mark Numerical value All numerical values are recorded as a percentage value.
NS Non-submission - this means that you failed to submit any work for a coursework submission or you were absent from the examinations for the assessment.
P You have passed this pass/fail assessment
F You have failed this pass/fail assessment
EXEMPT For some reason you were not required to take the assessment
Additional Info Late submission The assessment task was submitted late. The mark shown is the mark before any penalty, if applicable, has been deducted. More help can be found in our academic regulations.
Late: Within 24 Hours Old assessment regulations: the work was submitted late and no penalty was applied.
Late: Within 10 days – with reasons Old assessment regulations: the work was submitted late and a penalty applied accordingly.
Late: Within 10 days - without reasons Old assessment regulations: the work was submitted late and was not marked for assessment.
Late: After 10 days Old assessment regulations: the work was submitted late and was not marked for assessment.
Late: Pre MAR3 Pre-dates the Modular Assessment Regulations.

Results & Notification of Credit & Assessment Marks

Section Displayed Explanation
Results Board Decision Decision from the award board based on your module results at this examining board
Eligibility to date This is the highest award for which you are currently eligible within this programme. You may only claim this award if you cease your registration for your current award. You must notify us in writing if you wish to withdraw from your current award and claim the award for which you are eligible. Contact Info Point for help.
Board Decision Accepted Interim Award This will show if you withdrew from your award and accepted an intermediate award, this decision is no longer in use and will show only for results up to and including February 2005
Aegrotat Awarded if you have satisfied the general conditions but you cannot complete or be assessed for your award for reasons accepted by the examining board (such as illness or similar). An aegrotat award is not classified or awarded with merit, distinction or other differential level.
D.Phil Doctor of Philosophy
Decision Postponed Your award board had not made a decision about your results at the time of publication, contact Info Point for help
FAIL You have failed, contact Info Point for help
FAIL; no longer eligible for this named award You are no longer eligible for this named award but you may be eligible to transfer to another named award elsewhere in the University, contact Info Point for help
FAIL; no longer eligible for this target award You are no longer eligible for this award but you may be able to transfer to another named award in the same programme or another programme in the University, contact Info Point for help
FAIL; not permitted to enrol for any other award within the faculty You are no longer eligible for your award and you are not permitted to register for any other award within the same College. You may be eligible to register for an award in another College, contact Info Point for help.
FAIL; not permitted to enrol for any other award within UWE You are no longer eligible for your award and you are not permitted to register for any other award, contact Info Point for help
First Class A degree with first class honours
M.Phil Master of Philosophy
Pass in all modules taken You have passed all modules taken in this academic session and considered by this meeting of the examining board
Pass in all modules taken except those indicated You have not passed some or all of the modules on your award. This may be from this award board meeting or from a previous meeting. Details can be seen in ‘Module results’. For some non-modular awards, details will be provided by your school.
PhD Doctor of Philosophy
Second Class (Lower Division) A degree with second class honours in the lower division, also known as a 2:2
Second Class (Upper Division) A degree with second class honours in the upper division, also known as a 2:1
Third Class A degree with third class honours
Header Rows Module Details These columns show the details of each module you have taken
Module Marks Your marks and board decision for the most recent assessment which has been signed off by a field board
Module Decisions Decisions for individual modules that have been signed off by an award board. The result of an individual module does not imply an overall outcome for an award.
Comp A Assessment under controlled conditions - this is normally an examination
Comp B Assessment under other conditions - this is normally coursework
Overall Overall mark for the module, calculated using the appropriate weighting for each component (Comp A and Comp B)
Decision The decision of the field board, signed off by an award board. The result of an individual module does not imply an overall outcome for an award.
Exceptions Decisions taken by the award board about individual modules
Comp A or Comp B Pass You have passed the component
Fail You have failed the component
NS Non-submission - this means that you failed to submit any work for all elements of the component or you were absent from the examinations for the component
EXEMPT For some reason you were not required to take the assessment
(T) (Appended to a mark) Component mark contains an element mark that has been penalised due to late work submission under UWE Regulation and Procedure H1.
Overall Pass You have passed the module
Fail You have failed this attempt of the module
NS Non-submission - this means that you failed to submit any work for all elements of all components of the module
* (Prepended to a mark) This mark will be capped for calculation of classification or other differential award
Decision Fail You have no more assessment opportunities for this module
1RA You have not yet passed. You need to resit all assessments in Component A. Find more help in your module specification.
1RB You have not yet passed. You need to resit all assessments in Component B. Find more help in your module specification.
1RALL You have not yet passed this module. Your resits depend on the module start date. See our marks guidance for details.
1F You have not yet passed. You will need to enrol to retake / repeat the module and all assessments in another academic year. Find more help in the module specification.
2RA You have not yet passed. You need to resit all assessments in Component A. Find more help in your module specification.
2RB You have not yet passed. You need to resit all assessments in Component B. Find more help in your module specification.
2RALL You have not yet passed this module. Your resits depend on the module start date. See our marks guidance for details.
2F You have not yet passed. You will need to enrol to retake / repeat the module and all assessments in another academic year. Find more help in the module specification.
3RA You have not yet passed. You need to resit all assessments in Component A. Find more help in your module specification.
3RB You have not yet passed. You need to resit all assessments in Component B. Find more help in your module specification.
3RALL You have not yet passed this module. Your resits depend on the module start date. See our marks guidance for details.
3F You have not yet passed. You will need to enrol to retake / repeat the module and all assessments in another academic year. Find more help in the module specification.
Exceptions Compensated You have marginally failed the module, but an exam board has been satisfied that the module learning outcomes have been met. It has been agreed by the board that you do not need to resit the module and you will be awarded the mark and credit for it.
Exceptional Retake The award board has reviewed the outcome of your assessment(s) on this module against your complete academic profile for the current academic year, you will be permitted an Exceptional Retake of the module if you need it.
Extra Attempt The award board has accepted your missed assessments / removal of mark application. You will be permitted an additional attempt at the module if you need it
Ongoing The award board has accepted your missed assessments / removal of mark application and will take this into account when considering your overall award outcome
Uncap The award board has accepted your missed assessments / removal of mark application. If you pass the module at the next assessment opportunity, your overall mark will not be capped when calculating your overall award outcome
Excuse Credit The award board has accepted your missed assessments / removal of mark application against your failure in this module. You will not be required to pass it to be eligible for your award. You still need to ensure that you obtain sufficient credits to meet the requirements of your award