Username password request guidance notes

The username password request application will allow you to gain your University of the West of England username and password and will allow you to access UWE systems. This guidance page will help you navigate the application:

Username password request

At the start of the process an e-mail will be sent to your personal e-mail address that you have provided the university, and will contain your UWE username and instructions about how you can receive your password in order to access UWE systems.

If you applied directly to UWE then you will be asked to complete all mandatory fields and click on submit:

  • UWE username
  • Date of Birth
  • Home postcode
screenshot of web page highlighting location of login form details

Once completed you will receive an e-mail containing your UWE password which used with your UWE username will allow you to access appropriate systems. Please note that this password will be different to the password that you may have been using to access your applicant portal.

Where do I find my username?

Your username can be found on the first e-mail that was sent to you at the start of this process. The username will be similar in format to the example given e.g. a-student or a5-student.

screenshot of e-mail highlighting UWE username and email address details

How do I receive my UWE username?

An e-mail containing your UWE username has been sent to your personal e-mail address that was supplied to UCAS or UWE admissions (AID) at the time of application. If you have recently changed your personal e-mail address you will need to check your old address for the e-mail.

If you did not apply to UWE through UCAS or if you have not provided the university with an e-mail address, you can get your username and password when you first attend for registration from your faculty reception.

I do not have a home postcode / the system is unable to validate against the postcode that I have entered

For those students that have applied to the university directly you will require to enter your home postcode as part of the validation process. If you do not have a home postcode or the system is unable to validate against your details then you may want to try using your term address postcode (if known). Alternatively you will need to contact Registration Enquiries in order to have your address details updated.

I do not have or have not provided the university with a personal e-mail address

If you do not have a personal e-mail address or have not provided the university with an address then we are unable to send you your username electronically. In order to gain access to UWE IT systems you will need to contact Registration Enquiries who will be able to deal with your request. If you have provided the university with a personal e-mail address but have subsequently changed it then you will need to contact Registration Enquiries with your new details so that your records can be updated and your username and password can be sent to you.

I am a returning student; do I need to do anything?

No, returning students do not need to complete the process again and can continue to use their existing username and password.

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Locked record

For security purposes your record will be locked after three failed attempts when trying to enter your UWE username and UWE Welcome ID.

How can I unlock my record?

If your record has been locked you can request to have it un-locked by following the link contained on the locked record page to a web form and completing all mandatory fields. Your record will then be un-locked within 2 working days, where upon you will receive confirmation that it has been un-locked. You will then be able to go back into the username password request system and enter your details again.

My record has been locked but I have subsequently entered my correct details

Once your record has been locked, then you need to request to have it un-locked before you can attempt to enter your details again. To un-lock your record, following the link contained on the locked record page to a web form and completing all mandatory fields. Your record will then be un-locked within 2 working days, where upon you will receive confirmation that it has been un-locked. You will then be able to go back into the username password request system and enter your details again.

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Username confirmed

Once you have submitted your required details and the system has validated your details you will be presented with a username confirmed screen.

What do I need to do next?

An e-mail has been sent to the same personal e-mail account that your UWE username e-mail was sent to. Once the e-mail has been received then follow the link provided in the e-mail, enabling you to log into myUWE using your UWE username and password, where you will be able to complete the registration process.

Who do I contact if I do not receive this e-mail?

If you have seen the e-mail confirmation screen but after 24 hours have not yet received your e-mail containing your password then send an e-mail to stating your name, UWE username and stating your problem.

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myUWE log-in

Once you have received your username and password you will be able to follow the link as supplied in your second e-mail and log-in to myUWE. If you experience any problems on this page then follow the help link to myUWE support.

screenshot of myUWE log in screen

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